Olivier Covo

Olivier Covo

Brand expert. Musician – Drummer and percussionist. 20 years brand consulting, marketing and communication experience. Apple Computer France Marcom Manager. Hémisphère Droit - Strategic planner Director (Havas). 5 years directing Gorée Theatre in Africa.

Essec IMD : Master international marketing
20 years expertise in creative marketing (Media, brand and agencies) with an high focus in brand management and strategic planning (TATI, SFR, Fox Kids, EMAP, PPR, Vodaphone,…).

Developp as associate the web site

Develop the methodology - Sound planning © - Matching brand values and developing emotional language to increase customer relantionship within brands.

Sound marketing professor at Sup de Pub and ESP in France. Several conference as sound marketing specialist and writer (ESSEC, club des annonceurs, UDA, stratégies, cbnews, marketing magazine…)

Brand strategy - Strategic planning - Sonic branding

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